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Start Lifeschooling Ebook ($15 value!)

What is Lifeschooling?

Why Lifeschooling is Not Unschooling

Top Book Recommendations for Starting Lifeschooling

How to Foster Independence While Lifeschooling

Lifeschooling Off the Grid

The Beauty of NOT Getting It All Done 

Lifeschooling High School: Is It Possible?

And much more!

Add to cart$3.00

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Who Is This Child? Journal ($15 value)
30+ page log to discover gifts$5

The Journal Helps you:

Learn how to discover your child's gifts, even if they are a total mystery!​

Start the discovery process by grounding yourself in the Lord.​​

Keep a record of your child's interests as they change and grow.​

Monthly and Yearly Evaluation sheets to keep up with progress.​

Never forget a rabbit trail again! Make a note to come back to later.​

Recognize patterns and connections as you read through past entries.​

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  • 1xWho Is This Child? Journal ($5 for a Limited Time!)$5

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